Micro-Needling for Acne 

The power of Cryo-Oxygen works its magic on problem skin, offering anti-bacterial properties while the micro-channels created during the treatment allow the powerful Blemish Defence infusion to be delivered deep into the skin where it decreases sebum production and inhibits the bacteria responsible for the acne-linked infection.  This proactive treatment stimulates the synthesis of the epidermal cells, reducing redness and inflammation, and allowing the skin to take on a whole new radiance.  Microneedling is recommended for treating pockmarks from acne once healed as your skin will produce more collagen to naturally fill them and reduce their appearance.

Benefits of COMCIT Elite:

  • antibacterial effect on the skin
  • decrease oil production
  • plumps and stimulates collagen improving the appearance
  • helps to reduce redness caused by sensitivity
  • hydrates the skin

COMCIT Elite for Acne includes:

  • Cleanse
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Cryo Oxygen
  • Micro-Needling
  • Blemish Free serum infusion
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Mask
  • Moisturise & SPF protection
  • Tone

Although some may experience some sensitivity, there is no downtime with this treatment, and the results are immediate.  Your skin will continue to improve after your treatment, getting better as new collagen is produced which is around day 14 after treatment.  For totally rejuvenated skin,  a course of 12 treatments, taken every 2 weeks is recommended for maximum effect.

Treatment Time

45 minutes

Treatment Cost


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